我的目標是給孩子爸買一款會議用的polo衫,偏商務性質。平常都是買nuV/NET 或蝦皮貨,漸漸覺得這個穿去會議不是那麼正式,於是做了一些功課後,決定去專櫃嘗試一下。 孩子爸的身材/喜好如下: 167/6x kg 骨架小、藏肉於肚,不喜寬鬆版型(日系品牌 UQ那些都out),再看看有牌的polo衫分析影片提到: Lacoste設計比較偏休閒、Fred Perry偏運動風,Ralph Lauren可能可以找到合適的(美國藍標polo Ralph Lauren,有把袖圍稍微收一點比較有精神感)。影片裡面沒有介紹Tommy Hilfiger,但是巨城有Tommy專櫃,所以也去試試看。
Tommy的polo衫款式頗多(跟PRL比多了三四款),有各種不同版型,孩子爸試了regular fit 和slim fit,不得不說slim fit 實在太適合亞洲男的版型,穿起來顯瘦又藏肚,領口很挺,背後有多縫三角形加固,袖圍的設計有顯瘦效果。因為現場嘗試的版型和設計太好看了,忍不住就掏出荷包買了。這不是一般的我們習慣的消費價位,即便是品牌產品,我往往是錙銖必較在網上比價、找代購等等才下單。但隨著年紀增長(衣帶漸寬…),我發現衣服要不買錯,還是要現場試過才能精準購物。但品牌商也不是笨蛋,那些在電商平台、outlet的款式其實和專櫃系列都有所區別,因此我決定給孩子爸投資一件!後來越看越值得! 因為去看其它專櫃品牌如PRL的polo衫都沒這件適合孩子爸,開會穿個十次就覺得回本啦!
倒三角形有額外加固。原本肚子更大 這件真的有藏肚效果!
PRL 的polo衫,織法看起來平凡無奇但是領子意外的挺,這絕對是材料科學,使用的絲線成分一定和Tommy不一樣,才能做出又薄又挺的質感,但它不管是在定價上、設計上都比較不符合我們的需求,首先風格略顯老成,再來價格是五千左右(5000折500),又比Tommy貴兩千,真的刷不下去,有機會去美國開會再考慮吧!
雙胞胎的分類: 由左至右分別為不共用胎盤的雙絨毛膜雙羊膜、共用胎盤的雙絨毛膜雙羊膜、單絨毛膜雙羊膜、以及單絨毛膜單羊膜雙胞胎。出處:Babin, Katia, master thesis, complication of monochorionic twin pregnancies: Twin-twin transfusion syndrome, University of RIJEKA, Faculty of Medicine (2024)
在專家們意見分歧的狀況下,我們也用google scholar開始搜尋selective reduction of multiple pregnancies相關的文獻,其中兩篇文章是我們後來做參考的主要來源(非醫學專業人士,看得不多,但一些文章沒有open access,我和孩子爸能觸及的學術機構也沒有購買,就沒辦法了,做為父母,只能盡力到這…): [1] Sridevi Beriwal, Lawrence Impey, and Christos Ioannou, “Multifetal pregnancy reduction and selective termination”, The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, 22, 4, p253-330 (2020) DOI: 10.1111/tog.12690 https://obgyn.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/tog.12690 這篇論文列舉了各種多胞胎的情形(從四胞胎到雙胞胎),並提出了減胎方法和建議。其中,與我們情況最相關的DCDA(雙絨毛膜雙羊膜)的討論如下:
Third trimester selective termination in dichorionic diamniotic twins In DCDA pregnancies, when a severe fetal anatomic abnormality becomes apparent after 16 weeks of gestation, an important clinical dilemma arises. The pregnant woman often would prefer an immediate procedure, but this carries an increased risk of miscarriage (12–15%) or preterm birth for the healthy fetus (over 15%).23 Some studies have disputed these figures and suggested that mid-trimester ST may be as safe as that in the first trimester, with rates of pregnancy loss of approximately 6%, irrespective of gestation.25 In any case, a safe alternative is ST with intracardiac KCl of the affected fetus at 32 weeks of gestation.22 This procedure does not incur any additional risk of miscarriage or severe preterm birth, but carries a 45% risk of delivery in the subsequent 2 weeks. It should therefore be undertaken with steroid cover for the remaining fetus. While waiting for the planned procedure, there is a small possibility that spontaneous preterm labour and delivery will occur before 32 weeks of gestation, which would lead to an undesirable live birth of the affected twin. Such pregnancies should therefore be closely monitored and ST should be expedited if preterm labour appears imminent. Surveillance with amniotic fluid measurement, cervical length, or cervical biomarker tests (such as fetal fibronectin) may be useful. 中文翻譯: 雙絨毛膜雙胞胎的晚期選擇性終止妊娠 在 DCDA 妊娠中,當嚴重的胎兒解剖異常在妊娠 16 周後變得明顯時,會出現一個重要的臨床困境。孕婦通常更願意立即手術,但這會增加健康胎兒流產 (12-15%) 或早產 (超過 15%) 的風險。23 一些研究對這些數位提出了異議,並表明孕中期 ST(減胎) 可能與孕早期一樣安全,流產率約為 6%。 25 無論如何,一種安全的替代方案是在妊娠 32 周時對受影響胎兒進行心內注射KCL減胎.22 該程序不會產生任何額外的流產或嚴重早產風險,但在接下來的 2 周內分娩的風險為 45%。因此,應為剩下的胎兒提供類固醇覆蓋。在等待計劃的手術時,自發性早產和分娩發生在妊娠 32 周之前的可能性很小,這將導致受影響的雙胞胎意外活產。因此,應密切監測此類妊娠,如果出現即將發生早產,應加快 ST 檢查。羊水測量監測,宮頸長度或宮頸生物標誌物檢測(如胎兒纖連蛋白)可能有用
[2] Fatemeh Rahimi Sharbaf, Masoumeh Shafaat, Sima Lashgari, Mahboobeh Shirazi, Behrokh Sahebdel, Fatemeh Golshahi, Reihaneh Yousefi, Zahra Dehghani Firoozabadi, “Pregnancy Outcome After Selective Fetal Reduction in Dichorionic Twin Pregnancies”, Journal of Family and Reproductive Health, 17, 2, p100-104 (2023) https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC10397526 這篇文章更聚焦在雙絨毛膜的雙胞胎案例減胎後的結果統計,在摘要裡面就提到一個結論如下:
Results: A total of 159 cases of twin dichorionic pregnancies were included. The highest frequency of reduction was performed at the gestational age of 18-20 weeks, and the most common cause of reduction was major structural anomalies in the fetus. The results showed the average gestational age(GA) at the time of delivery to be 37.6 weeks, the average birth weight of 2,999 grams, the incidence of miscarriage (loss before 22 weeks) to be 9.4% and a rate of reterm birth (delivery before 37weeks) of 33.3%. There is not a statistically significant relationship between the gestational age at the time of reduction and preterm birth, the birth weight, the incidence of RDS and the incidence of SGA. 結果: 共納入 159 例雙絨毛膜妊娠。減胎頻率最高的是在胎齡 18-20 周時進行的,最常見的減胎原因是胎兒的主要結構異常。結果顯示,分娩時的平均胎齡 (GA) 為 37.6 周,平均出生體重為 2,999 克,流產發生率(22 周前流產)為 9.4%,早產率(37 周前分娩)為 33.3%。縮小時胎齡與早產、出生體重、RDS發病率和 SGA發病率之間沒有統計學意義關係。
其中一段討論提到: In Zemet et al a total of 248 diamniotic dichorionic twin pregnancies who were candidates for selective reduction were examined, including 172 cases of early reduction in weeks 11 to 14 and 76 cases of late reduction in weeks 15 to 23. The gestational age at delivery was not significantly different between the study groups. The rate of preterm delivery was significantly higher in pregnancies with late reduction. 在 Zemet 等人的研究中,共檢查了 248 例選擇性減胎的雙絨膜雙羊膜妊娠,包括 172 例第 11 至 14 周的早期減胎病例和 76 例第 15 至 23 周的晚期減胎病例。研究組間分娩胎齡無顯著差異。早產率在晚期減少的妊娠中顯著升高。